Flash Sound Player - Application Software Download Free Windows
application software download free Windows
A Flash Sound Player is a kind of plugin for the web browsers which allows playing audio files embedded in the HTML document on which it runs. This is very useful for websites that want to add an mp3 player, without having to install a standalone software such as Winamp or iTunes.
The player is built using the libmp3wav library and can play MP3, OGG, AAC, WAV, FLAC, and Monkey's Audio formats. It can also read the metadata associated with a MP3 file. This information is used by the player to set various audio parameters, such as the default volume and the number of buffers. The player also supports multiple audio tracks, and it can automatically sync the audio with a video clip.
Flash can use any type of audio file as an event or button sound, and it can even synchronize with an animation using the SYNC DROPDOWN feature. The dropdown menu lets you select whether the synchronization is EVENT or STREAM. If you select EVENT, the sound will play as soon as the playhead reaches a keyframe with the Sound class in its timeline. If the Sound class is not in a timeline, the sound will not play until you create a timeline with the Sound class in it.
You can also use a Flash music player to add music to your website in an interesting way that will not distract the visitors. For this purpose, you can choose a template from the templates offered by Cincopa. The app will then generate a line of code which you can copy and paste in your page.